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以下是美国环境保护署的新闻稿, 宣布最近的奖助金奖项.  一定要去参观 棕色地带页面 浏览我们的网站,了解AG亚游国际集团如何协助清理您的财产.





联系人:Sonia Mohabir, (212) 637-3241; (电子邮件保护)


纽约 (2020年6月10日.S. 环境保护署(EPA)今天宣布900美元,000 of supplemental funding is slated for successful 棕色地带 Revolving Loan Fund (RLF) programs to clean up brownfields sites in 卡姆登, NJ, 尼亚加拉河县, 纽约和纽约. 今天宣布的补充资金是6美元的一部分.9 million going to communities across the country that have demonstrated success in using their 棕色地带 funds to clean up and redevelop brownfields sites. The funds will be used to continue progress in reusing vacant and abandoned properties and turning them into community assets such as housing, 康乐及休憩用地, 卫生设施, 社会服务和商业机会.

“环境保护署的棕地项目正在改变整个纽约的社区, New Jersey and the nation by allowing local governments to turn contaminated sites into community assets that attract jobs and boost economic development,” 环境保护署地区署长皮特·洛佩兹说. “今天宣布的补充资金将推动我们在卡姆登的合作伙伴的卓越工作, AG亚游国际集团和纽约市在这些社区取得实际进展.”

“These federal dollars are critically important to protecting the health and well-being of people living in 卡姆登, 同时释放出新的经济机会的潜力,” 参议员科里·布克说. “作为前任市长, I know this vital funding will be used to continue 卡姆登’s resurgence and allow the community to make use of what was previously a blighted public hazard.”

“我们的国家面临不止一次的公共危机, protecting the health of our community is more important than ever – and this federal funding will provide a safer environment for 卡姆登 residents,” 国会议员唐纳德·诺克罗斯说。. “This investment will help us continue to improve our city by turning a contaminated property into a community resource. 见证卡姆登的历史性转变真是太棒了, 这笔拨款将在清理期间和之后为该地区带来经济机会, 除了使我们的社区成为一个更好、更安全的居住场所.”

“我赞扬国会议员唐纳德·诺克罗斯, 参议员鲍勃·梅内德斯, 以及参议员科里·布克(Cory Booker)的资金承诺,并感谢美国.S. Environmental Protection Agency for its dedication to ensuring productive and healthy environmental outcomes here in 卡姆登,” 卡姆登市长弗兰克·莫兰说. “确保所有卡姆登居民的高质量生活必须仍然是我们的首要任务. The environmental transformation of 卡姆登’s contaminated sites into clean spaces is essential to our City’s success. 在环保局和卡姆登再开发局的合作伙伴的帮助下, 伦敦金融城仍有机会改造这些棕地, 利用联邦和州的资源, 吸引新的商业广告, 生活制造和工业用途,将为卡姆登居民创造高薪就业机会.”

“我们很高兴得知该市的RLF计划获得了额外的资金,” 纽约市市长环境修复办公室主任马克·麦金太尔说. “We look forward to continuing our partnership with EPA Region 2 in offsetting land cleanup costs of community developers building 100% affordable housing developments in low income neighborhoods across the city.”

“For the past 20 years 尼亚加拉河县 has been a leader in brownfield efforts and the grant award from the federal government will further build upon our progress of remediating brownfield sites throughout the County,” AG亚游国际集团议会主席丽贝卡·怀德什说. “AG亚游国际集团的修复项目已经成功地帮助清理了城市中的场地, 农村, and suburban municipalities and brought new uses to abandoned properties while generating additional tax revenue and creating new jobs.”

“清理和再投资棕地有助于振兴当地经济, 保护人类健康和环境, 消除疫病,将社区负债转化为资产,” said 尼亚加拉河县 Brownfield Program Manager and President of the 尼亚加拉河县 Brownfield Development Corporation Amy Fisk. “The new grant funding will be used to provide low interest loans to carry out cleanup activities at brownfield sites in the County. 我们期待着继续与美国环保署建立强有力的伙伴关系.”

卡姆登, AG亚游国际集团和纽约市将各获得300美元,000 to fund brownfields cleanup projects in their communities with the intention of redeveloping vacant and abandoned properties and turning them into community assets such as housing, 康乐及休憩用地, 卫生设施, 社会服务和商业机会. Specific projects will be reviewed and selected by EPA so that work may begin as early as October 2020.

卡姆登重建机构将获得30万美元. 正在考虑的一个项目是修复和保护8号楼, an industrial site that is currently blighting downtown revitalization efforts and is eligible for listing on the federal register of historic places. Funding may also be used to support the 重建 and expansion of a light manufacturing facility at the Concord Chemical site that could create 20 additional jobs.

AG亚游国际集团经济发展部, 环保署将奖励300美元,支持棕地工作. 项目 under consideration include repurposing a former elementary school into 尼亚加拉河县’s first senior assisted living complex. The assisted living complex can provide essential services for seniors in 尼亚加拉河县 and create new jobs in both construction and staffing for the complex. Funds may also support cleanup work needed to develop a new commercial retail space with apartments in Lockport, NY.

纽约市也将获得300美元的奖金,为经济适用房项目的建设提供资金. 网站 identified to potentially receive funding include affordable and low-income residential buildings planned on Pitkin Avenue in Brooklyn, 布朗克斯的布恩大道和皇后区的中央大道. These projects may provide more than 300 affordable housing units to low-income city residents and create jobs in East New York, 布朗克斯和罗克威.

环保署已经奖励了超过1美元.自2016年以来,布朗菲尔德RLF基金向新泽西州卡姆登提供了700万美元,超过700万美元.自该项目启动以来,棕地拨款已达400万美元. 在AG亚游国际集团,环境保护局已经奖励了超过4美元.自2012年以来,RLF基金获得了300万美元的资金.自该项目启动以来,棕地拨款已达300万美元. 自2013年以来,环保署已向纽约市提供了超过2亿美元的补贴.布朗菲尔德RLF基金300万美元,还有超过500万美元.环保署的棕地计划拨款600万美元.

All of the communities receiving supplemental funds have census tracks designated as federal 机会区 within their jurisdiction. 机会区是一个经济不景气的社区,在那里新的投资, 在某些条件下, 可以享受税收优惠待遇吗. 大多数情况下,居住在这些地点附近的是低收入、少数民族和弱势美国人. 再加上杠杆基金, 例如其他棕地赠款或机会基金, 循环贷款是使有需要的社区恢复活力的有力工具.

何时偿还循环贷款, 贷款金额被返还给基金并借给其他借款人, 为社区提供持续的资金来源. 到目前为止, EPA’s Revolving Loan grantees across the country have completed 759 cleanups and attracted approximately 45,000个工作岗位和8美元.40亿美元的公共和私人资金.

棕地是一种土地, 重建, 或者,由于有害物质的存在或潜在存在,再使用可能会变得复杂, 污染物, 或污染物. 据估计,美国有超过45万个棕地.S.

Grants awarded by EPA’s 棕色地带 Program provide communities across the country with an opportunity to transform contaminated sites into community assets that attract jobs and achieve broader economic development outcomes while taking advantage of existing infrastructure. 在特朗普总统的领导下, over 70% of the communities selected for 棕色地带 grants in 2019 were located in 机会区. 棕地赠款已被证明:

  • Increase Local Tax Revenue: A study of 48 brownfield sites found that an estimated $29 million to $97 million in additional local tax revenue was generated in a single year after cleanup. 这是12美元的2到7倍.环保署为清理这些地点贡献了400万美元.
  • Increase Residential Property Values: Another study found that property values of homes near revitalized brownfield sites increased between 5% and 15% following cleanup.

截至2020年2月, 在环境保护署棕地计划下, 31,已经评估了516处房产,92处,047亩闲置土地已转为生产性用地. 除了, 社区已经能够利用布朗菲尔德赠款吸引160人,306个工作岗位和超过310亿美元的公共和私人资金.

有关环保署棕地计划的更多信息: http://www.epa.gov /Brownfields

有关棕地循环贷款基金资助的详情: http://www.环境保护署.gov /褐色土地类型- brownfields-grant-funding

有关机会区的更多信息: http://www.epa.gov /Opportunity Zones

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